
Keep tabs on the heartbeat of your business with Pulse

how pulse works

How it Works

Pulse provides reports and tools to enable users to communicate with customers to increase sales and personalize service. This feature offers suggestions for interacting with specific customers and offers customizable, prewritten messages, complete with suggested attachments.

Push notifications coach distributors to follow up with customers, and distributors set follow-up reminders. Your distributors can see what is happening with their customers, and you will gain analytic insights.

Customer Reports

Pulse displays customers who are on a monthly product shipment, including those who recently canceled and those expecting upcoming orders, so distributors can appropriately follow up.

Reports also show customers expecting their first order and the shipment’s estimated arrival date.

Customer Reports

Pulse displays customers who are on a monthly product shipment, including those who recently canceled and those expecting upcoming orders, so distributors can appropriately follow up.

Reports also show customers expecting their first order and the shipment’s estimated arrival date.

Active and
Inactive Customers

Customizable prewritten messages make it easy for distributors to keep active customers engaged and excited about current and upcoming products.

Distributors can also reach out to inactive customers and follow up on past orders to gauge their experience and recommend additional products to consider.

Active and
Inactive Customers

Customizable prewritten messages make it easy for distributors to keep active customers engaged and excited about current and upcoming products.

Distributors can also reach out to inactive customers and follow up on past orders to gauge their experience and recommend additional products to consider.

Personalized Push

Utilize push notifications to remind users to follow up for various reasons–from a canceled autoship subscription to an upcoming order delivery. Your company can customize these notifications to ensure they fully engage your field.

Distributors can then follow up with personalized messages rather than corporate ones, which offers an additional level of trust and rapport.


Pulse makes it easy for distributors to see where they can offer additional products or promotions to improve the customer experience and drive sales.


Pulse provides your company with a goldmine of data about customers and their buying patterns.

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