Sales Enablement
For Direct Sales

Drive Activity. Grow Revenue.

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hussle crm platform screenshots

Our Platform

Hussle Learn onboarding

Streamline Your Onboarding
Strategy with LEARN

Perfect distributor onboarding, encourage compliance training and focus on product training with Hussle’s learning management system, Learn. Connect with your sales force, current customers, and prospects to drive higher adoption, improve retention, and increase sales and revenue.

10X Your Conversion Rates
With Livestream Sales

Hussle’s interactive video and live streaming capabilities provide a modern direct sales solution to sell, train, and present your products. Live is a favorite among sales distributors because of our unique ‘Attribution’ feature. With Hussle Live Team Attribution, even distributors who aren’t on camera can gain revenue by inviting their contacts to view a leader’s stream, increasing sales and revenues.

hussle crm live feature
hussle crm pulse screenshots

Keep Tabs on the Heartbeet
of Your Business with PULSE

Pulse provides a goldmine of data about customers and their buying patterns. At a glance back-office reporting provides distributors with the information they need to connect with personally-enrolled customers, increase sales, and win back inactive customers.

Sharing & Enrolling

Sharing digital assets is easy! Users can share from the app or upload their own content. Plus, the app’s smart links notify users when a prospect is viewing a video or downloading a document to ensure timely and effective follow-up.

AI Personalized Follow-up

With Generative AI to craft compelling messages effortlessly. Direct sellers often struggle with articulating product value and creating persuasive content. Hussle’s AI bridges this gap by enabling personalized messages that engage prospects and enhance credibility, highlighting unique selling points effortlessly.

Fully Supported Sampling

Sampling with Hussle is easy and pain-free. You simply provide the product, and we take care of the rest. Our in-app sampling program is supported with attractive and customized sample mailers, social content, a customer-facing website, and automated email campaigns. With our in-app sampling system, your distributors can send samples in just a few clicks.

Manage Customers and Team Members

Empower your distributors with behavior-driven alerts and tasks such as autoship and first-order alerts, canceled orders, rank advancement recognition, and more. Distributors can always be aware of where customers and prospects are in the buying process so they can follow up with relevant content and encourage them to take the next step.
hussle manage customers and team members feature
hussle reports and analytics

Reports & Analytics

Empower your field to run their business from their phone by providing users real-time access to back office data and reports.

Corporate has access to all recruiting, selling, and sampling activity happening on your platform. This way, they can recognize distributors who are meeting their goals and help those who aren’t. They can also identify tools their team uses (or not) and make training decisions based on global data.

Alerts and Communication

Users receive important alerts in the feed including prospect activity and reminders to monitor the pulse of their business and follow up effectively.

The feed also allows corporate and team leaders to send push notifications and announcements for important updates such as conference call reminders, promotions, new product launches, recognition, and more.

hussle alerts and communication features
Our Results
Ray Faltinsky
CEO of Beyond Slim
Hussle has been a strategic partner for Beyond Slim since our launch. Over the last year we have experienced tremendous growth – 35X growth in the last 12 months – thanks in part to the mobile app and platform Hussle helps provide to our Coaches. It’s truly remarkable that in just the past year, we’ve seen over 800,000 unique contact engagements, from links shared from the app . Our Coaches have been using this app to support enrollment efforts for both Customers and Coaches alike. The app is simple and easy to use and our Coaches use it to not only share content one-to-one, but also for social selling purposes. The app has been one of the vital components in our success.

Here are some of our back office integration partners

We can also integrate with custom solutions and in-house platforms
flight commerce hussle integration

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